Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) are the unsung heroes in the lives of individuals with disabilities, playing a crucial role in their daily support and engagement. Though their contributions are significant, great DSPs operate behind the scenes, rarely drawing attention to themselves. Their focus remains on the people they support, helping them participate in everyday activities—like attending church, running errands, or enjoying a high school football game. As Cristy Harris, Director of Program Services at Futures, puts it, “The more invisible the staff is, the better they are at their job!”

That’s why DSP Week, celebrated from September 8-14, 2024, is an important time to recognize and applaud the invaluable work these professionals do.

The positive impact of DSPs on those they support is undeniable, but the benefits are mutual. Working as a DSP equips individuals with lifelong skills and personal growth opportunities. “I learned how to cook during my time as a DSP,” Harris shares with a laugh. “Or more accurately, how NOT to cook.”

Loni Martin, a current DSP, reflects on her experience: “I’ve learned the importance of being aware of my surroundings and staying focused on the task at hand. Most importantly, I’ve learned always to have compassion for all people.”

DSPs not only provide essential support—they also forge meaningful relationships built on trust, dignity, and respect. “I am thankful for this job because I get to love other people. This job fills my spirit and has brought a lot of love to my life,” adds Loni.

If you’re looking for a rewarding career where you can make a difference in people’s lives, consider becoming a DSP. To learn more, visit