Targeted Case Management
Case Managers help the person, and their support network navigate the world of services and supports. They can help identify, select, obtain, and coordinate paid and unpaid services to enhance the person’s independence, integration, and productivity by using their Person Centered Support Plan as a guide.
How it Works
After eligibility has been determined, case management services are available to anyone requesting them. You can choose your case manager from those available. Case management services assist persons with developmental disabilities and their guardians/families in obtaining and maintaining needed services, supports and funding through one or more of the following:
- Assessment of needed supports and services, including an ongoing process for the identification of your needs, the determination of your preferred lifestyle and the resources that are available to you.
- Support planning including the development, updating and reviewing of your support plan and any related service or support plans AND providing information to you about your rights and the availability of community services and supports.
- Service coordination including arranging for and securing supports outlined in your support plan, developing and accessing natural supports and generic community support systems.
- Advocacy, including assisting you in obtaining access to needed services and entitlements.
- Assisting with life transitions including planning and arranging for services to follow you if you decide to move.

What Does a Case Manager Do?
- The case manager is the connecting person in your support network, he/she: May be called upon to coordinate supports and services involving all aspects of your life.
- Will assist you in communicating what you want to have included in your support plan to your service providers, guardian and family members.
- Has the responsibility to ensure you have opportunities to experience real choices without putting yourself in danger.
- Will interact with all the people who make up your support network–family, friends, neighbors, professionals and staff.
- Will work with the support network to help them understand how they can help you in the choice-making process.
- Will become someone to confide in and be an assertive advocate for you.
- Will help you through a difficult or confusing situation.
An advocate is a person who supports your basic rights and will speak up for you. A case manager, who is an advocate, can help with a difficult or confusing situation. If you have questions and are not sure who to ask, talk to your case manager. This includes any complaints or any issues that might be bothering you. What you share with your case manager will be in private and kept confidential.